pp108 : Configuring Anonymous Access in Apache (Linux)

Configuring Anonymous Access in Apache (Linux)

This topic describes the procedure to configure anonymous access in Apache on a Linux machine.

  1. Open the file <Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/cordys_apache.conf in a text editor.
  2. Replace the following
    Alias /cordys <Cordys>/Web <Directory <Cordys>/Web> AllowOverride All AuthType Basic AuthName "Cordys" AuthUserFile "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/htpasswd" require valid-user </Directory> 

    Alias /cordys <Cordys>/Web <Directory <Cordys>/Web> AllowOverride All AuthType Basic AuthName "Cordys' AuthUserFile "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/htpasswd" #require valid-user Allow from all Anonymous anonymous </Directory> 

  3. Replace the following section:
    Alias /wcpdev <apache>/htdocs/wcpdev <Directory <apache>/htdocs/wcpdev> AllowOverride All AuthType Basic AuthName "Cordys" AuthUserFile "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/htpasswd" require valid-user </Directory> 

    Alias /wcpdev <apache>/htdocs/wcpdev <Directory <apache>/htdocs/wcpdev> AllowOverride All AuthType Basic AuthName "Cordys" AuthUserFile "<Process_Platform_Installation_Directory>/components/webgateway/Apache/htpasswd" Allow from all #require valid-user Anonymous anonymous </Directory> 

  4. Save the changes in cordys_apache.conf.
  5. Restart Apache to apply the changes.

    Anonymous access is enabled for Cordys.

    Note: SSPI authentication is not used anymore hence remove
    LoadModule sspi_auth_module modules/mod_auth_sspi.so
    from cordys_apache.conf files to avoid loading sspi-module.

Related tasks

Enabling Process Platform Authentication
Configuring Anonymous Access in Microsoft IIS